Leave a legacy for wildlife
Legacy giving provides an opportunity to give back to your community, create a lasting impact that you and your loved ones can be proud of, and also offer potential tax benefits. Your gift will be a significant testament to your passion for wildlife and conservation. The support we receive from donors like you enables us to provide essential care to the wildlife in need.

If you are considering leaving a gift to Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation, please get into contact with us. We would love to talk about your goals, wishes, and how you would like to be recognized for your contribution. You may also choose to leave your gift anonymously.
Please contact our Executive Director, Holly Lillie, at 403-946-2361 or [email protected] for more information about leaving a legacy.
Take a closer look at the various giving opportunities available to find the best fit for you:
A charitable bequest is a gift that a charity receives from the will or trust of an individual.
Yes, through a codicil.
If you have chosen to add AIWC to your will, your lawyer or professional advisor will need the following
Legal Name: Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation
Charitable Registration #: 14041 6140 RR0001
We understand that your family and loved ones are of the highest importance, and we value and respect that. You retain the right to alter and adjust your will at any time. For more information about bequest giving, please refer to our brochure.
The information provided is for illustration purposes only and does not constitute tax, financial or advice. Please consult your professional tax, financial and legal advisors before donating to AIWC.

Donate Securities to Strategically Give to Wildlife in a Cost Effective Way
Donating appreciated publicly-traded securities (stocks, income trust units, bonds, mutual fund units and shares) allows you to give more and make a bigger impact to wildlife, as the capital gains tax does not apply. You will receive a tax receipt for the fair market value of your contribution to reduce your income tax through a non-refundable tax credit.
How to Make a Donation of Securities
Visit CanadaHelps and enter Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation as the charity of choice.
With the help of our dedicated supporters and donors, AIWC is able to provide critical care to injured and orphaned wildlife in Alberta. By donating to our cause, you can be a part of this effort to rescue, rehabilitate, and release these animals back into their natural habitats, giving them the best chance possible to survive and thrive.

Gift of Life Insurance
Donating life insurance to Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation is a meaningful way to support the work we do in caring for injured and orphaned wildlife. Changes in life insurance that we suggest but are not limited to include:
- New policy in the name of Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation
- Designate Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation the owner or beneficiary of an existing policy
- Transfer ownership of an existing policy to Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation
Gift of RRSP or RRIF
Donating RRSP/RRIF (Registered Retirement Savings Plan/Registered Retirement Income Fund) to Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation is a great way to support our mission and be tax smart.
To donate your RRSP/RRIF to Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation, you simply need to obtain a change of beneficiary form from either the plan administrator or your financial advisor. Then, you can designate Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation as the beneficiary of either all or a portion of your account.