Consumer Engagement & Cause Marketing

Building a strong cause marketing campaign takes a few things – a great cause, a great corporation and a great partnership!

We look forward to working with your consumer-facing business, whether it’s retail, specialty products, or restaurants and food, etc – to create powerful cause-related marketing campaigns that connect your brand to Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation (AIWC).

Check-out for AIWC

Did you know that Spring is the busiest time for AIWC? When baby animals are being born  we take in the orphans and injured every day. Customers would have the opportunity to round up their bills or add a donation at the till this spring to help those baby animals survive and thrive.

Sell AIWC branded items

One of AIWC’s fundraising initiatives is the sale of items, like these adorable stuffies and mugs. You can help AIWC raise funds by giving your customers and employees the opportunity to purchase these, while raising awareness of AIWC’s work and highlighting your corporate commitment to wildlife.

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