Our Blog

Nature Continues On


Thousands of birds are making their way back to Alberta for breeding season, many more call Alberta home year-round.

As a wildlife hospital, we practice high standards of cleanliness to protect our patients, staff, volunteers, and community. In an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 and still care for our patients, as of Saturday, March 14th we have decided to temporarily suspend all on-site volunteer shifts.

We will be continuing operations, with a few changes, which include that staff will predominantly work from home, but limited animal care staff will tend to our patients in care daily. In addition, we have put measures in place to continue answering hotline calls and collecting animals from vet clinics.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 403-946-2361 if you have questions or concerns about injured or orphaned wildlife. We are committed to safely living out our mission, and we need your support to do so.

It is too early to say if we will be able to continue on with the fundraising events we had planned this year, but what we do know is that whether it’s today or next month, wildlife will be in need and we want to be ready to care for them. In addition, we still have 22 animals in our care that will be with us until at least April-June when they can be released and they require daily care.

Thank you for your continued support of AIWC. We truly appreciate all you do for our wild neighbours. Thank you.


Holly Lillie
Executive Director

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