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Animal Care

The Great Horned Owl

Did you know that the Great Horned Owl is one of the most common owls in North America? The Great Horned Owl is aptly named

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Animal Care

National Wildlife Week

In 2017 Canada celebrates 150 years of confederation and 70 years of recognizing National Wildlife Week. Each year National Wildlife Week falls around April 10th,

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Animal Care

Greater Sage Grouse

Alberta is home to a number of grouse species including the blue grouse, ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, spruce grouse, and the greater sage grouse. The

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Animal Care

Grizzly Bears

Photo credit: Alberta Environment and Parks Imagine the tallest human being in history, Robert Pershing Wadlow who was 2.47 meters tall. Now imagine a grizzly

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Animal Care

Keystone Species 

Similar to a keystone which provides the stability to an archway, a keystone species helps provide stability to the surrounding ecosystem. Most animals play a

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