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A Small Gesture Can Make A Big Difference

At AIWC 95% of animals we treat are injured or orphaned due to human activities. The most common causes of injury are window strikes, vehicle collision, hitting power lines, barbed wire, fishing line entanglement or ingestion, domestic cat and dog attacks, and exposure to toxins. Often wildlife is orphaned by needless rescuing of babies who should have been left where they were.

Of course there are many other dangers to animals out there that aren’t necessarily as obvious as the ones we talk about most often, but are critical for humans to consider.  Among those dangers are hockey nets.  They tend to be utilized all year long, and are almost always found sitting on the driveway in any residential neighbourhood.

While hockey nets can provide hours of great physical fun for humans, they are fatal to baby hares more often than not.  That was the case for a baby hare that came to our hospital recently.   This little hare became entangled in the hockey net when trying to hop through, and the more he struggled the worse things became.  Sadly, he suffered from spinal trauma and didn’t survive.   Unfortunately, animals do not realise or recognise the dangers that are out there until it’s too late.

Situations such as this are completely preventable, if we all take that extra moment to consider what dangers could be lurking in our own back yard for unsuspecting wildlife.   Hockey nets can simply be moved into the garage or put into a fenced back yard after use.

This is something to keep in mind with hares having their last litter of the year right now.  Spread the word to your children, your neighbours and your community.  It’s a small gesture that can save a big life.

Every wild life matters.


As always, if you find injured or orphaned wildlife, please call us at 403-946-2361.

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