
Elk Rutting Rituals
By Julia Guame What is Rutting Season? Rutting season is the annual mating time for various animals including deer, moose and elk.1 During this time,

The Marvelous Mechanics of Hummingbirds
by Holly Hastings Alberta is fortunate to be the “Canadian sweet spot for hummingbird species.”1 We are home to three year-round species: the ruby-throated, calliope,

Meet Alberta’s Feathered Cleanup Crew: The Turkey Vulture
by Marissa Hansen Alberta is home to a myriad of wildlife, but one bird holds a special place as the province’s only vulture—the turkey vulture

At Home in the Badlands
By Carley Goodreau The Lakota people first called them Mako Sica – directly translating to “bad lands,” the French: “les mauvaises terres a traveser,” –

A Bat’s Year in Alberta
By Holly Hastings Alberta is home to nine species of bats; for a list of species, click here. They can be split into two groups:1