
Close encounters of the moose kind
by Katie Grant Living alongside moose is not uncommon with cities and towns taking over more and more of their natural habitat. As the largest

Arctic Visitors: 3 birds of prey to watch for this winter!
by Jennea Frischke A variety of birds migrate to Alberta from the Arctic each winter – including 3 very special raptors: the snowy owl, the

The Social Hierarchy of the Red Fox
By Katie Grant Red foxes organize their small family groups (called “leashes” or “skulks”) through a social hierarchy. At the top of the pack are

Western Tiger Salamander Migration
By Courtney Collins Western tiger salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium) are found from inland British Columbia to western Manitoba and are divided into two populations: the Southern

Differences Between Bobcats and Canada Lynx: How to Tell them Apart
By Chelsea Blyth Here in Alberta, we are lucky to share our landscape with a variety of incredible wildlife, including two elusive wild cats of